Formative Feedback
After presenting our research throughout phase 2, my peers left me some feedback notes on where I can take this idea by using other forms of research. One of the notes was to explore how each living being is divine if god created us if we live by the good laws of the universe and maybe a way you can shape yourself into a different man. Prometheus would be a good example to look at in creating mankind.
Another thing to look at was a book about meditations by philosopher called Marcus Aurelius. This was a source of his own guidance and self improvement. I can take various quotes from the book on how each individual can improve themself as an objective for a game idea.
As I did some research into preserving architecture, I was advised in one of my notes to look at a film called Akira and the architecture of certain graves and their purposes as well as the architecture of a tomb.
Another film to look at was Brothers grimm as its about a lot supernatural phenomena.
Further research

As I'm looking into the architecture of akira, I found this page that talks about mutations and megastructures. In their architectural creations it talks about futuristic creations of merging human cells with technological developments. This could be an evolutionary way for humans to improve their survival.
Interiors. (n.d.). Mutations & Megastructure: Japanese Metabolism in Akira (1988) — Interiors : An Online Publication about Architecture and Film. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Nov. 2020].
Metabolism architecture was post - war japanese architectural movement which was the idea of fusing megastructures with those of organic biological growth.
Tetsuo's powers in Akira take inspiration from the toshiba pavilion which is a metabolist piece of architecture. He is pushed to the limit of humanity much like the metabolists pushing their designs to the edge of architectural possibility.
Idea 1 - keeping it simple...
After a talk with Marie claire CEO of woman in games, I was advised to look at the sustainability of burying objects with you to take those things with you to keep you safe when crossing the river (the afterlife). One main part of research was to look at Sir Arthur's Evans (Jewellery) found in the grounds of greek vikings.
I've decided to come with an idea of rebuilding a temple from another temples ruins to show the preservation of architecture which was one of my main idea from phase 2.

For my prototype I was gonna make a 3d model of an ancient ruined temple and newly built temple, the objective of this game is to build a new temple in a certain amount of time.
I've decided to make a 3d model to demonstrate my 3d skills and also to help with my portfolio.
What I want to make

Another way a could use my prototype is by showing the player a picture of some ancient ruins and see if they build with jenga blocks but as jenga blocks are only retangular there can be more than one player to see who redesigns it the best.

Here are some blocks to work from as part of an ancient ruin. - Temple Journal
Use 3D to turn something like this into this.